
Die Prüfung kann mündlich oder schriftlich abgelegt werden.

Umfang der fünfstündigen schriftlichen Prüfung:

  • 1. Listening comprehension exercise: Ein Hörtext von ca. 3 Min.
    Länge ist wiederzugeben, bzw. Textverständnis ist durch Bearbeitung von Arbeitsaufgaben nachzuweisen
  • 2. Aufsatz oder Textbearbeitung:
    Eines von  2 Themen ist in Form eines Aufsatzes, Briefs, Interviews, Tagebucheintragung oder Beantwortung von Fragen und persönlicher Stellungnahme zu einem Text zu bearbeiten.
    Länge: ca. 600 Wörter

Umfang der fünfzehnminütigen mündlichen Prüfung:

Aus zwei vorgelegten Fragen (ev. auch mit Text- oder Bildimpuls) kann eine Frage ausgewählt werden. Dabei soll zum gewählten Themenbereich in einem Prüfungsgespräch Stellung genommen werden, indem vorgegebene Fragen beantwortet werden und eine persönliche Meinung zum Thema ausgedrückt wird. Die Vorbereitungszeit auf das Prüfungsgespräch beträgt ca. 15 Minuten.

Bei allen Prüfungen können Wörterbücher verwendet werden.

  • Die inhaltlichen Anforderungen für die schriftliche und die mündliche Prüfung:
  • 5 Werke aus der Literaturliste
  • Ihre Auswahlliste muss bis spätestens 4 Wochen vor dem Prüfungstermin im Sekretariat der Schule abgegeben werden oder per Post, Fax oder e-mail an die Schule geschickt werden!



America and American Culture

Typical Features of American culture and society, political system

The different concepts of “the American Dream”, the bright and the dark side of the dream, lives of immigrants, differences within the particular groups (immigrants, black people, …), American culture and Europe

Racial discrimination and segregation / Discrimination of minorities / Prejudice

The history of black people in America, the fight for equality (e. g. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and other leaders of the civil rights movement), human rights, forms and roots of prejudice, mixed marriages, immigrants’ lives (in America, in other countries)

Women in society

The fight for equal rights and opportunities, prejudices regarding women, role stereotypes, education and role patterns in history and now, differences between industrialised and developing countries

Violence and aggression

Forms and sources of violence, targets of violence, domestic violence, theories, violence in films/on TV/video, pros and cons of possessing guns


The techniques and function of ads, psychological effects, pros and cons of advertising, examples of good and bad ads, sex in ads, the role of women in ads, consumers’ rights

The media

Role of the media, quality of information (newspapers, magazines, TV, …), how you keep informed

People with special needs

Learning disabilities, autism, cerebral palsy, the position of people with disabilities in our society

Beauty / Fashion / Lifestyle

Beauty ideals (in history / at present), plastic surgery, fashion throughout history, the role of fashion, the beauty and fitness craze, food and eating habits, health food, eating disorders, cosmetic surgery

Drugs and addictions

Reasons of addictions, effects of drugs, legal and illegal drugs, the legalization debate, advertising and legal drugs (alcohol, smoking), the issue of happiness


Historical and political background, the background of the Northern Ireland Conflict,  the different regions, every day-life in Ireland, characteristics festivals, the Irish pre-school system

Schools / School system

School life in Britain, America and Austria, exams, school discipline, school uniforms

Books and reading habits

Personal reading habits, different types of books, how to read a book / play / short story, criteria for book reports, theory of interpretation, personal opinion


Describing dreams, dreaming habits, function of dreams, interpretation of dreams, psychotherapy and dreams, daydreams

Cult Movies and Stars

Heroes vs. villains, the criteria of cult movies, personal likes and dislikes, describing particular films


Likes and dislikes in people, describing people, relationships, generation conflicts, teenagers‘ lifestyles (now  / in former times), different age and law, rules of living together

Family, marriage, other forms of living together

Children in different settings, single parents, educational issues

Pre-school education

Describing the system of pre-school education in Austria, comparing the Austrian system to that of other countries, specific vocabulary


Stereotypes and facts, characteristics of Austria, everyday-life and institutions, political system

Great Britain and the United Kingdom

National characteristics, stereotypes, political system, history, monarchy, aspects of tourism

Other English-speaking countries (e. g. Canada, Australia, South Africa, ….)

Characteristic areas, climate, sights, language, important aspects of history, national stereotypes


America and American Culture

Aldous Huxley: Brave New World

Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451

George Orwell: 1984, Animal Farm

William Golding: Lord of the Flies

Harper Lee: To Kill a Mockingbird

Charles Dickens: Great Expectations

J. B. Priestley: An Inspector Calls

J. D. Sallinger: The Catcher in the Rye

John Steinbeck: Of Mice and Men, The Pearl

Arthur Miller: Death of a Salesman

John Howard Griffin: Black Like Me

John Briley: Cry Freedom

Alan Paton: Cry, the Beloved Country

Fay Weldon: The Life and Loves of a She Devil

Waris Dirie: Desert Flower

N. H. Kleinbaum: Dead Poets Society

Joan Lingard: The 12th Day of July, Across the Barricade

Ernest Hemingway: The Old Man and the Sea

Frank McCourt: Angela’s Ashes

Christy Brown: My Left Foot

Helen Fielding: Bridget Jones’ Diary

Marlo Morgan: Mutant Message Down Under

Anonymous: Go Ask Alice

Maureen Dunbar: Catherine

Judy Blume: Tiger Eyes

S.E. Hinton: The Outsiders

Melvin Burgess: Junk

Caroline B. Cooney: The Face on the Milk Carton

Torey L. Hayden: One Child

Robert Swindells: Abomination, Stone Cold

Morton Rhue: The Outsiders

Roald Dahl: Matilda


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